Descends de ton fil, toi l'artiste heureux, toi le doux pierrot
C'est tout un autre monde que tu vois a tout regarder d'en haut
Non, je ne suis pas la princesse en bleu de ton bois dormant
Tu le vois... je suis bien reelle et je veux de toi pour amant
Avec toi
Je veux caresser la vie
Je veux devorer les plus beaux fruits
Je veux pleurer aussi
Avec toi
Je veux partager mes nuits
Je veux embrasser tes ciels de lit
Jusqu'a mon dernier cri
Tu reves debout et tu restes pur au milieu des loups
C'est pour ca que je t'aime malgre moi et tu m'aimes malgre tout
Non je ne suis pas la sagesse meme et mes sentiments
Ne sont pas faits que d'innocence
Ils sont faits de chair et de sang
Avec toi
Je veux caresser la vie
Je veux devorer les plus beaux fruits
Je veux pleurer aussi
Avec toi
Je veux partager mes nuits
Je veux embrasser tes ciels de lit
Jusqu'a mon dernier cri
Au nom de l'amour
Je voudrais te voir faire des folies
Renoncer a toi-meme et quelques fois bousculer l'ordre de ta vie
Mais je t'aime trop pour te perdre un jour alors je te dis
Que si toi tu veux rester sage, je serai sage moi aussi
Que si toi tu veux rester sage, je serai sage moi aussi
There's a different beat to every heart.. and only a certain song that can touch the core of it..
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Avec Toi
Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Ilsa: Rick, I have to talk to you.
Rick: [Rick is drunk] Uh-huh. I saved my first drink to have with you. Here.
[passes her a drink]
Ilsa: No. No, Rick, not tonight.
Rick: *Especially* tonight.
Ilsa: Please...
[he pours a drink]
Rick: Why did you have to come to Casablanca? There are other places.
Ilsa: I wouldn't have come if I'd known that you were here. Believe me Rick, it's true I didn't know...
Rick: It's funny about your voice, how it hasn't changed. I can still hear it. Richard, dear, I'll go with you anyplace. We'll get on a train together and never stop -
Ilsa: Don't, Rick! I can understand how you feel.
Rick: [scoffs] You understand how I feel. How long was it we had, honey?
Ilsa: [on the verge of tears] I didn't count the days.
Rick: Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out.
Ilsa: Can I tell you a story, Rick?
Rick: Has it got a wild finish?
Ilsa: I don't know the finish yet.
Rick: Well, go on. Tell it - maybe one will come to you as you go along.
Ilsa: It's about a girl who had just come to Paris from her home in Oslo. At the house of some friends, she met a man about whom she'd heard her whole life. A very great and courageous man. He opened up for her a whole beautiful world full of knowledge and thoughts and ideals. Everything she knew or ever became was because of him. And she looked up to him and worshiped him... with a feeling she supposed was love.
Rick: [bitterly] Yes, it's very pretty. I heard a story once - as a matter of fact, I've heard a lot of stories in my time. They went along with the sound of a tinny piano playing in the parlor downstairs. Mister, I met a man once when I was a kid, it always began.
Rick: Well, I guess neither one of our stories is very funny. Tell me, who was it you left me for? Was it Lazlo, or were there others in between or... aren't you the kind that tells?
[Ilsa tearfully and silently leaves. Rick's face falls in his hands sadly, knowing that he's said all the wrong things]
Saturday, 13 March 2010
A Kiss

You know,
that moment when you kiss someone
and everything
around you becomes hazy...
And the only thing in focus is you and that person.
And you realize
that that person
is the only person that you're supposed
to kiss for the rest of your life...
And for one moment you get this gift...
And you want to laugh and you want to cry
because you feel so lucky that
you found it and so scared that
it will go away all at the same time...
-Never Been Kissed-
Monday, 1 March 2010
Looking at the Stars
Actually, I do have a problem. And this problem makes me think more and more of him..I missed him.Usually, whenever I encounter a problem, I will always run to him. Now that he's not here, I miss him so much more...
S: You know, he has never said these words... but i'm 100% sure that he would say exactly what i am saying to you now if he's standing here right in front of you. He would ask you to lift up your head and look at the sky. Do you see the stars? Well, those stars are exactly the same stars which he's looking at too from his place.
Now that he's not here, he has left those stars to watch over you till the night is over. The same goes with the moon. It's exactly the same moon that he sees from his place at the other side of the world. He has left them for you to look at whenever you feel sad and you needed him..
The most important thing that he has left for you is his heart. He loves you. And his heart is telling you to be patient and be strong in facing whatever crisis there is. Until the time he can come back to you and hold you in his arms again.
Each time when you need him, look at the stars in the sky and hold your hand to your heart. When you feel your heart beating, you will also feel his heart doing the same thing. You will feel that he is always beside you..
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