An empty street
An empty house
A hole inside my heart
I'm all alone and the rooms are getting smaller
I wonder how, I wonder why
I wonder where they are..
The days we had, the songs we sang together
And oh my love
I'm holding on forever
Reaching for a love that seems so far
So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue
To see you once again, my love
Overseas from coast to coast
To find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green
To see you once again, my love
I try to read
I go to work
I'm laughing with my friends
But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking
I wonder how, I wonder why
I wonder where they are
The days we had, the songs we sang together
And oh my love
I'm holding on forever
Reaching for a love that seem so far
To hold you in my arms
To promise you my love
To tell you from the heart
You're all I'm thinking of
I'm reaching for a love seem so far
* Try and try as hard as i can, but why does it seems that I can never touch the stars..*
(by Cynthia Lynn Johnson)
The smell of your hair
in the warm gentle breeze
The taste of your kiss
on the cold lonely nights.
Just bring back so many wonderful memories
of the nights we've shared together.
Won't you stay awhile longer...
We've been through so many things.
Through the ups & downs of love,
And through the torture and torment of life.
Yet we've not been together for a long time..
please stay awhile longer..
Baby, if there was no 'you'
There would have been no 'me.'
It may sound funny but don't you laugh,
because you're all I want and all I need
without you I would never have been able to survive.
Won't you stay awhile longer?????
I love you and please don't you forget that.
I understand you must be on your way
so I will let you be at peace.
Just don't you forget me...
Because I will never forget you
Oh, how I wish you could stay awhile longer......
Love is
when you get online
and you sit there for hours
wait for him to be online
so you can finally talk to him...
Love is
when you find someone
that you can tell everything
and you're sure they won't make fun of you.
Love is
when you can just wake up
and have makeup running down
your face from crying
and he'll still say you're beautiful.
Love is
when they would do
anything to see you smile.
Love is
when he is dying
and the last thing he want is
to hear your voice one last time.
Love is
when every song reminds you of him.
Love is
the scar across your chest when you lose it...

What i do wish for is..******
A hand clasping hold of mine,
That same leg draped over mine as we sleep,
The knowledge of safety, security...
The making of two cups of tea, not one,
To feel a warmth in my bed that will stay,
To feel kisses each morning upon waking up,
To cherish those sweet moments together,
Knowing what each others' smiles meant..
Knowing looks- tender glances-hearts entwined..
Sharing stories and troubles..
Tears and laughter..
Someone that I can call my own
What I really do wish for is..

-Poem by Vu Do-
Would you hold my heart for me and never let it drop?
Would you protect it for eternity and never let it be harmed?
Will you be with me tomorrow and the days beyond?
Would you never let me feel pain and love me forever more?
Because I already have your heart entwined with mine.
I will never let us fall apart or treat you unkind.
I will always be with you in heaven or in hell.
I will never let you shed a tear, I'd die, before it fell.
Every second, of everyday my heart will be with you.
Every night on my bed I lie, I dream of my love, so true.
I'd wish and wish for that special day to have you eternally...